Signature Magazine, May 2019
SINCLAIR LUNDY, 63 Hattiesburg Certified Public Accountant
What advice would you give young girls today? Don't be a mean girl! Help others!
Best advice a woman has ever given you? Clair, move to Hattiesburg!
What does it take to be a strong woman leader? I didn't intend to become one. Over the years, I just wanted to be helpful to others and support causes I believe.
What is one event you could point to in your life that got you to where you are today? My decision to open my own accounting firm.
Who is your female role model? My mother. She was amazing. She was a war hero in World War II, part of the Enigma Project, decoding German messages at Bletchley and other outstations.
You get to share a meal with a group of women (dead or alive), who would they be and why? My Mom, my Grandmothers, and the Original Catherine Sinclair. Why: to learn more about them, the time they lived in, and get their advice on life.
You can swap places with any one woman for a day, who would it be? No one. would improve myself, of course, but I love my life.
What trend from then would you bring back? I think it's now called Free-Range Parenting: Letting children have a lot of unscheduled time to play or just do nothing, but be outside more.
What cartoon did you watch as a child? Rocky & Bullwinkle
Favorite memory of mother/grandmother/great-grandmother? My father's mother and I playing in the afternoons after elementary school.
Best childhood memory? Being able to jump on my horse, take a ride down to the creek with my dog, enjoying the beauty of the day.
Who was your mentor when you were growing up? Why? My parents. They taught me about life. Dad, the joy of being a work-a-holic. My Mother for her gentle ways, fierce loyalty, superb intellect and kindness. I miss them every day.
What is one item you can't live without? Music
What is your spirit animal? Bear
Favorite day? My birthday
Favorite month? September
Pet peeve? People not paying attention driving, especially running red lights and not using blinkers, oh, and left-laners
Favorite color? Green
What was the most memorable gift you ever received? A gold nugget necklace from my father. He was so happy he had chosen it for me, and I loved it so.
Were you named after a family member? Where is your name from? Yes. My mother was Scottish and from the Sinclair Clan. Usually it was a man's name, so if I'd been born a boy I would have been Duncan Sinclair Lundy. My Mother told me that the first Sinclair was William Sinclair (ne St Clair), a Norman, who rode with Robert the Bruce in the Crusades. The Lundy side is Scottish, as well.
What is your superpower? I'm pretty strong for an old girl.
What's your secret skill? Not so secret: I play piano and write music
Strength? At ease in a crowd, but I love having alone time, too.
Inspiration in life? My friends, my family, my church
Leadership strengths? Confidence
Skill most like to master? Tai Chi
What is your life theme song? "My Heart's in the Highlands"
What's the destination for the trip of your dreams? Scotland
You can witness any event, past/present/future, what would it be? Seeing the Statue of Liberty being installed.
You have to give a 40-minute presentation on a moment's notice with no preparation, what would it be? Taxes and Accounting. I've done this.
What age do you feel right now? 45
What do you like to do in your free time? Chill with my dogs!
One thing you've always wanted to try? Excursion by rail across Canada